Thursday, June 30, 2011

Pass Over Me (A Poem)

Pass over me, the wretchedness of me, the stinch of death that is yet in me
My door's stain with a crimson red remembrance is slowly fading though still covered
Has my mind forgotten my purification, the laver which graced me with a tender flow
No angels stir in the physical bath can bring purity
only when bethesdas source is the living water of the Savior's touch

Pass over me, the neglegence of me, the pestilence that is me
The desire for fruit exists in theory, the seeds have been planted, cultivated, watered
My eyes however raise and see my plowing, my plowing in Sodom, my watering in Gomorrah
Have I gone this far for Yah to cause me to die
Shall I not return to Egypt where the shakels were sore yet mine?

Pass over me, the white washed tomb, the desire for deaths heart that still looms
Seeking the pen and paper of those in a grave
finding life in the ink of a diatrade that's man made
Reinventing the Gospels as my spell, the good news I'm out of hell
this must mean what I am is special
He must have especially needed me, my will and power,
now that He has me His kingdom will do well

Oh that travesty of my hell, pass over this pride that leaks from my root
that rests beneath the threatening axe
The poet had it right and I admit, I walk through the den of the wicked and I still blend in
I know my words are not worthy of the lips of another mans quoting
If they are dripping with gall and vinegar of my desire to be noticed

Pass over this foolishness in me, this quarrelsome tongue
whose sword it'd rather unsheath
This youthful lust of a knight who wars in the darkness of night,
this battle I fight is a war of sin
I care not for I love not, though pursued by His love first, lust within is still birthed
Raising my child of intellectual gluttony,
feeding the sword that speaks to glory in often me

Pass over me, oh Angel of light that redeems what's shed in the shine
of Your all consuming eyes
Seeing my woeful deeds and hearing my pleas for pardon from the divine,
may fruit of faith still be growing authored by the lifegiving vine
A faith exemplified by my fathers bearing witness to a redemptive testament
of a gracious and binding blood covenant
May the Passover Lamb pass over my deeds here exposed in prose
grant me redemption based upon His scandalous hesed love


  1. "I care not for I love not" -I like this line!

  2. WOW! .. Amazing, the images are so descriptive - and I see them so well ... in me! Love you son! So very proud of you!! Dad
